How do I fix a silent being caused by a bad toilet flapper?

Most of the time a silent leak is caused by a bad toilet flapper?

Why do flappers go bad? 

  • Age 
  • Toilet not used  
  • Corrosive chemical or tablets used to clean toilet.

How can I fix the flapper?

Please review the video provided on how to change out a flapper to the right of the page.

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How do you detect a silent leak?

The most likely location for a silent leak is your toilet and the flapper tends to get worn out, and the toilet will keep filling itself up.  To test for a silent leak,

  • You can use food dye tables, Kool aid, or any kind of colored water. 
  • You put tablets or colored water in the the tank. 
  • Do not flush the bowl
  • If the toilet bow is later seen to have that water color, then it is a sign of a leak. 

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